2021-01-22 11:19:04
Josef Penninger is the founder and a shareholder of Apeiron, the company that makes rhACE2. Arthur Slutsky has been a paid consultant for Apeiron. No other conflicts of interested have been reported.
2021-01-22 10:57:07
In the new millennium, the outbreak of new coronavirus has happened three times: SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and 2019-nCoV. Unfortunately, we still have no pharmaceutical weapons against the diseases caused by these viruses. The pandemic of 2019-nCoV reminds us of the urgency to search new drugs with totally different mechanism that may target the weaknesses specific to coronaviruses. Herein, we disclose a new targeted oxidation strategy (TOS II) leveraging non-covalent interactions potentially to oxidize and inhibit the activities of cytosolic thiol proteins via thiol/thiolate oxidation to disulfide (TOD). Quantum mechanical calculations show encouraging results supporting the feasibility to selectively oxidize thiol of targeted proteins via TOS II even in relatively reducing cytosolic microenvironments. Molecular docking against the two thiol proteases Mpro and PLpro of 2019-nCoV provide evidence to support a TOS II mechanism for two experimentally identified anti-2019-nCoV disulfide oxidants: disulfiram and PX-12. Remarkably, disulfiram is an anti-alcoholism drug approved by FDA 70 years ago, thus it can be immediately used in phase III clinical trial for anti-2019-nCoV treatment. Finally, a preliminary list of promising TOS II drug candidates targeting the two thiol proteases of 2019-nCoV are proposed upon virtual screening of 32143 disulfides
2021-01-21 14:14:58
In the current spread of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), antiviral drug discovery is of great importance. AutoDock Vina was used to screen potential drugs by molecular docking with the structural protein and non-structural protein sites of new coronavirus. Ribavirin, a common antiviral drug, remdesivir, chloroquine and luteolin were studied. Honeysuckle is generally believed to have antiviral effects in traditional Chinese medicine. In this study, luteolin (the main flavonoid in honeysuckle) was found to bind with a high affinity to the same sites of the main protease of SARS-CoV-2 as the control molecule. Chloroquine has been proved clinically effective and can bind to the main protease; this may be the antiviral mechanism of this drug. The study was restricted to molecular docking without validation by molecular dynamics simulations. Interactions with the main protease may play a key role in fighting against viruses. Luteolin is a potential antiviral molecule worthy of attention
2021-01-21 14:14:58
Az új koronavírus (SARS-CoV-2) jelenlegi terjedése mellett nagy fontossága van egy vírusellenes gyógyszer felfedezésének. A potenciális gyógyszerek szűrésére az AutoDock Vina-t használták az új koronavírus strukturális fehérje és nem-strukturális fehérje helyeinek molekuláris dokkolásával. A ribavirint, ami egy általános vírusellenes gyógyszer, a remdesivirt, a klorokvint és a luteolint vizsgálták. A loncról általában úgy vélik a hagyományos kínai orvoslásban, hogy vírusellenes hatásai vannak. Ebben a kutatásban a luteolinról (amely a lonc fő flavonoidja), hogy magas affinitással kötődik a SARS-CoV-2 fő proteázának ugyanazon helyeihez, mint a kontroll molekula. A klorokvinról bebizonyosodott, hogy klinikailag hatásos és képes a fő proteázhoz kötődni; ez lehet ennek a gyógyszernek a vírusellenes mechanizmusa. Ez a kutatás a molekuláris dokkolásra korlátozódott, és nem lett validálva molekuláris dinamikai szimulációkkal. A kölcsönhatások a fő proteázzal kulcsszerepet játszhatnak a vírusok elleni küzdelemben. A luteolin egy figyelemre méltó potenciális vírusellenes molekula.